Can You Smell Gum Disease?

Have you ever wondered if your sense of smell could warn you about gum disease? At Foutz Family Dentistry, we believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about the subtler signs of oral health issues, including how your nose might alert you to periodontal disease. Let’s explore this intriguing connection and how our team can help you maintain optimal oral health.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, a silent assailant lurking in the mouths of many, begins as a seemingly harmless gingivitis before potentially advancing to the more serious periodontitis. The primary culprit? Inadequate oral hygiene leading to plaque buildup. At Foutz Family Dentistry, we emphasize the importance of early detection and personalized care plans to prevent the progression of gum disease, underscoring that simple daily habits can have a profound impact on your oral health.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Identifying gum disease early can be challenging, as symptoms might not always be immediately noticeable. However, our team at Foutz Family Dentistry is trained to spot the early signs, from swollen, red gums to the more discreet symptom of persistent bad breath. We stress that bad breath isn’t just an inconvenience; it can be a telltale sign of bacteria at work beneath the gum line.

Can You Smell Gum Disease?

Indeed, your sense of smell might be the first to flag the presence of gum disease. The bacteria fueling this condition produce volatile sulfur compounds, leading to an unpleasant odor. At Foutz Family Dentistry, we educate our patients on recognizing these early warnings. Our comprehensive check-ups include evaluations for signs of gum disease, ensuring that if your nose suspects something, we’re here to investigate and address it.

Prevention and Treatment

Preventing gum disease is a collaborative effort. Our team at Foutz Family Dentistry advocates for regular dental check-ups, which are crucial for catching and managing gum disease early. With personalized oral hygiene guidance, professional cleanings, and, if necessary, targeted treatments like scaling and root planing, we work hand-in-hand with our patients to fend off periodontal disease before it advances.


Your sense of smell might be more linked to your dental health than you thought, serving as an early detector for gum disease. At Foutz Family Dentistry, we’re committed to guiding our patients through understanding and leveraging this connection for better oral health outcomes. Remember, proactive dental care and regular visits to Foutz Family Dentistry can keep your smile healthy, fresh, and vibrant.


Does Chewing Gum Hurt or Help Your Teeth?

Gum has been around for thousands of years in various forms. Today, there are plenty of myths and facts about whether it’s good or bad for you. We’re here to lay the claims to rest and give you the information you’ve been looking for.

Gum originally came from the sap of spruce or chicle trees. People chewed it for the same reasons they chew gum today: as something enjoyable to put in the mouth and to pass the time.

Modern chewing gum, though, isn’t quite what it used to be. It’s made mostly from synthetic rubbers and artificial flavorings, meaning that it has some potential health risks that weren’t associated with original gum chewing. In fact, it’s full of plenty of ingredients that you probably didn’t know you were putting into your mouth.


  • “Gum” – a rubbery base that makes the product chewy
  • Resin – used to strengthen gum and make it last longer
  • Fillers – what gives gum a particular texture (ex: calcium carbonate, talc)
  • Preservatives – compounds that make gum have a stable shelf life (ex: butylated hydroxytoluene or BHT)
  • Softeners – substances that keep gum from hardening (ex: wax, paraffin, vegetable oil)
  • Sweeteners – natural sugar, corn syrup, sugar alcohols, or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame
  • Flavorings – natural or artificial flavorings

All of these ingredients are considered food grade and deemed “safe” by the FDA; however, they aren’t often labeled well and sometimes appear as a simple “gum base” ingredient. You should decide for yourself whether or not you want to consume the ingredients in chewing gum.

Certain experts deem chewing gum to have benefits for the mouth, such as:

  • Preventing cavities – Sugar-free gum can help prevent tooth decay, especially when it’s sweetened with xylitol.
  • Reducing bad breath – Xylitol prevents bad bacteria growth, which is a common cause of bad breath.

It can also have negative side effects though, including:

  • Causing cavities – If you chew gum with added sugar, this can be a cause of cavities.
  • Plaque buildup – Sugar is dissolved by bad bacteria in your mouth, which increases plaque growth.
  • Metabolic conditions – Too much sugar, even in the form of gum, can cause diabetes, obesity, and other health issues.
  • Jaw problems – People who chew gum all day long often develop TMJ, or temporomandibular disorder, which causes pain, tightness, and immobility of the jaw.
  • Headaches and teeth grinding – Gum chewing can also cause tension headaches and migraines, which can cause jaw clenching and teeth grinding.

Chewing gum here and there, especially when it’s sugar-free and made with natural ingredients, typically won’t harm your teeth. Chewing healthy gum in moderation can even help prevent cavities and rid the mouth of bad bacteria. However, if you’re choosing gums full of artificial ingredients and sugar—and chewing them from sun-up to sun-down—then it could mean a range of dental problems, such as cavities, plaque buildup, tooth decay, and jaw disorders, or even more serious metabolic disorders.

Choose your gum carefully and remember—everything in moderation.


Do I Really Need to Floss My Teeth?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever lied to your dentist when they ask you about your flossing habits. You’re not alone.

Your dentist will tell you that you should be flossing your teeth every single day. However, that’s not the case for most people. Most people probably don’t even brush their teeth correctly twice a day, and flossing is one more chore. However, most people have issues with cavities, plaque, and gingivitis that they tend to ignore.

Why is flossing so important? Well, even the best toothbrushes can only get so much out of your teeth. Food, bacteria, and plaque accumulate in the areas of your gums and the crevices between your teeth. (If your teeth aren’t perfectly straight, there’s even more likelihood that bad germs are hiding in between!)

Flossing is one of the most important things you can do for the health of your teeth and your gums. When bacteria and buildup get left behind, it creeps up into your gums and causes gingivitis, which is the fancy name for gum disease. Gum disease, when left untreated, isn’t just bad for your mouth. It travels into your bloodstream and can cause serious health issues, such as cardiovascular problems.

The CDC reports that over half of American adults over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal (gum) disease. This only gets worse as people age, so the sooner you improve your flossing habits, the better.

If taking care of your health isn’t motivation enough, flossing will help take care of your wallet, too! Cavities and gum disease caused by lack of flossing can mean expensive dental visits and procedures in later years. Even when people have quality dental insurance (and not everyone does), co-pays for those treatments add up fast.

Flossing your teeth doesn’t have to be difficult! Choose the type that fits your lifestyle best.

  • Waxed or unwaxed original floss – save money and don’t accumulate a lot of plastic waste
  • Superfloss – good for people with braces, bridges, or wide gaps in their teeth
  • Water or air flossers – use air or water to get into the crevices of your teeth
  • Single-use flossers –get deep into the back sections of your mouth without squeezing your fingers back there and wondering if you’re doing it right

If you haven’t flossed your teeth in a long time or you’re already dealing with early-stage gum disease, you might notice a little bit of pain or bleeding when you floss. This is normal, and it will go away as your gums begin to heal.

Floss before you brush your teeth at night to loosen up any particles that can then be removed more easily when you brush. Keep your preferred method of flosser on the counter next to your toothbrush—this will make it easier to remember to floss your teeth and soon, it’ll be part of your dental hygiene routine.

Next time you go to the dentist and you tell them about your good flossing habits, your teeth and your conscience will be clean!


Gum Disease: Stages, Prevention, And Treatment

Gum disease is a serious oral health condition that should be treated as quickly as possible. What begins with puffy or bleeding gums can quickly become a much more serious issue that can even affect your overall health.

What Is Gum Disease?


Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums that is typically caused by a build up of bacteria, plaque and tartar. Plaque, the bacteria that develop on teeth and causes cavities, can also accumulate on a person’s gums and is the main cause for the beginning stages of gum disease. Gum disease can also be caused from other factors including:


  • Family history
  • Poor oral hygiene habits
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal changes
  • Pregnancy
  • Illnesses such as cancer, HIV, and diabetes
  • Certain medications


Gum disease typically progresses subtlety and does not always produce obvious symptoms. Common signs of gum disease include:


  • Bad breath
  • Gums that are red, swollen, or tender
  • Gums that bleed easily or bleed from tooth brushing
  • Pain while chewing
  • Receding gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Deep pockets between teeth and gums


Stages Of Gum Disease


The mildest stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis and is typically identified from swollen or bleeding gums and bad breath. Gingivitis is the easiest stage to treat and correct, which is why dentists recommend regular cleanings and exams every six months. If it is caught early enough, gingivitis is reversible and can even be corrected at home.


If left untreated or ignored, gingivitis will advance to slight or moderate periodontal disease. When the infection progresses, it will penetrates deep into the gums causing them to pull away from the teeth as bacteria begins to damage or even destroy tissue and bone.  The deeper the infection spreads, the more damage there is to gums, the greater risk there is of bacteria entering the blood stream, and there is often 20-50% bone loss. The slight and moderate stages of gum disease cannot be treated at home and will require treatment from a dentist.


The worst stage of gum disease is known as advanced periodontal disease. At this stage, bacteria becomes virulent leading to deep pocket depths between teeth and gums, root exposure, 50-90% bone loss, loose or shifted teeth, increased risk of tooth loss, abscesses in the gums, and infection throughout the immune system. At this stage, the disease can only be treated to make it manageable.

Preventing Gum Disease


The most effective way to prevent gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene habits. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and remaining consistent with dental cleanings and exams can go a long way in preventing any oral problem. Incorporating antibacterial mouthwashes can also help to reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth and consequently reduce the risk of plaque build-up. Other was to help reduce the risk of gum disease include quitting smoking or tobacco, reducing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and avoiding clenching or grinding of the teeth.

Treating Gum Disease


Although gum disease cannot be treated with good oral hygiene habits alone, it is still extremely important to maintain those habits. The first step in treating gum disease comes from getting a professional dental cleaning every 4-6 months during which plaque and tartar are thoroughly removed. If your dentist notices signs of gum disease during an exam, they will be able to recommend specific habits that will help you prevent the disease from progressing.


If gingivitis is identified, you will receive a thorough cleaning both above and below the gum line to remove as much plaque and tartar as possible. You will need to be even more consistent with brushing and flossing to help stop gingivitis before it can advance.


Slight or moderate periodontal disease may require scaling during which the dentist will cleans out the periodontal pockets or root planning during with the surface of the roots is smoothed out to help gums reattach. Consistent oral hygiene after these treatments will help to stop the disease before it becomes worse.


In order to treat advanced periodontal disease, a procedure known as flap surgery may be necessary. During this procedure, an incision is made in the gums resembling a flap and the gums are then lifted back in order to clean the diseased and affected tissues. The flap is then sealed to help the gums fit better around the teeth. If the patient has lost teeth to the disease, the dentist may recommend a bone graft to help regenerate bone.


The exact treatment used will depend on the patient, their medical history, and the condition of their gums and teeth.


If you suspect gum disease, schedule an appointment at Foutz Family Dentistry in Henderson, Nevada as soon as possible to help get you on the path to healthy gums.


Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929


Can Dental Implants Help Prevent Gum Disease?

Missing teeth can have a negative impact on a person in many ways. It can cause a person to feel embarrassed to smile and in turn impact their self-image and self-esteem. But it can also have other negative impacts such as damaging the jawbone, surrounding teeth, and even the gums.


One of the most effective and long-lasting solutions for missing teeth is a dental implant. Dental implants are artificial teeth that are permanently fixed to the jawbone through a metal anchor and mounting post. They look and function just as a natural tooth would and if cared for properly will provide durability for a lifetime.


Dental implants can make a significant impact in improving a person’s smile and appearance, but they can also provide many other advantages including improving oral discomfort, making it easier to eat, and convenience over dentures. They can also have a positive impact on some oral health concerns. While the benefits of dental implants are many, it is still important to remember that even with dental implants good oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing are crucial for oral health.


Dental Implants Require Healthy Gums


In order to qualify for dental implants, you must first ensure that the health of your gums is in good condition. One of the most common factors that prevent people from getting a dental implant, and also one of the greatest threats to the success of a dental implant, is periodontal (gum) disease. This does not mean that a previous, or current, case of gum disease will completely disqualify you from getting dental implants, however, it will be necessary to address and successfully treat it first. Without healthy gums and healthy bone mass, the metal anchor of the implant will not be able to properly integrate into the jawbone.


If you have gum disease or are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, you must be proactive and see a dentist as soon as possible to begin treatment before the condition worsens. Symptoms of gum disease include bleeding or pain in the gums, redness or swelling of the gums, bad breath, sensitivity, receding gums, loose teeth, or an abscess. The sooner gum disease is brought under control, the sooner you can speak to a doctor about dental implants.


Will Dental Implants Help To Prevent Gum Disease?


While you may not get cavities with dental implants, they will not make you immune to gum disease. If you do not take the necessary measures to ensure that your teeth and gums remain in good condition, you can get gum disease even with artificial teeth. Typical oral hygiene habits such as brushing at least twice a day, flossing on a regular basis, and visiting the dentist at least twice a year for cleaning will help maintain your oral health.


Gum Disease And Dental Implants


After you’ve gotten dental implants, it is extremely important to care for your gums in order to avoid peri-implantitis, a type of periodontal disease in which infection and inflammation can set in around your implant. It is typically caused by plaque buildup from a lack of proper brushing or flossing and has similar symptoms to gum disease. If it is not treated quickly, it can damage to both your dental implant and the underlying gums and bone putting implant at risk of loosening or even detaching from the bone.


Henderson Dental Implants And Gum Disease Treatment


Fortunately, peri-implantitis and gum disease are both preventable and curable. Through routine dental examinations and cleanings, you can stop gum disease before it can threaten your dental implant. Combined with consistent brushing and flossing, dental cleanings are the most effective way to prevent gum disease from affecting your teeth and implants. Contact Foutz Family Dentistry today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929


Treating Gum Disease Around Tooth Roots Is Hard – But Not Impossible

An infection in the superficial layers of the gums can quickly worsen and become a significantly more difficult issue to treat. While gum disease, technically known as periodontal disease, typically begins with swelling, soreness or bleeding of the gums, but it can easily spread down below the gum line and into the crevices between tooth roots.


Gum disease is primarily the result of a plaque build up on the surface of the teeth. Ineffective brushing or flossing can lead to a combination of bacteria and lingering food particles that lead to infection affecting the gum tissue, tooth roots, and bone.

Tooth Roots And Gum Infection

Teeth with multiple roots, in particular, are the most susceptible to the negative effects of gum disease. The areas between the roots of these teeth are called furcations and can be difficult to treat when gum disease has spread down into those areas. Gum disease that has spread between tooth roots causes an infection known as furcation invasion or furcation involvement. This infection will weaken the bone and can even cause it to dissolve.


As mentioned previously, periodontal disease is most often cause by an accumulation of plaque on the surface of the teeth. When this bacterium is allowed to grow from a lack of proper oral hygiene habits, it will spread down below the gum line where brushing and flossing cannot reach and cannot help. As the infection grows, it will affect the tooth and gums in classes, or stages, that affect the tooth more as it grows.


In its earliest stage, Class I, the infection will cause a slight separation of gum tissue from the tooth creating a sort of pocket or groove in the gums with only slight bone loss, if any. In the second stage, Class II, this pocket grows into a larger horizontal opening of 2 or more millimeters that likely deepens into the crown of the tooth. This larger pocket is a clear sign of measurable bone loss. In its most advanced stage, Class III, the infection has spread into an opening that has caused enough bone loss to pass through the furcation from under the crown of the tooth through to the other side.  


Identifying the stage of furcation involvement is best done through a combination of dental x-rays, a physical examination, and knowledgeable experience from a trusted dentist. Maintaining consistent dental checkups and cleanings are one of the best ways to help prevent and detect gum infection before it can grow into a more serious condition such as a furcation invasion.

Treating Gum Infection In Furcations

Treating gum disease that has spread into the furcation of a tooth is more difficult than typical periodontal disease treatment. Treating typical gum disease can be done through non-surgical treatments including aggressive dental cleanings, root scaling, laser curettage, or oral and topical antibiotics. Treating gum disease around tooth roots can be much harder as it becomes significantly harder to access the affected area.


At the earliest stage, treatment begins by cleaning root surfaces uses scalers or ultrasonic tools. However, furcations often require surgery in which a hinged flap is created in the gum tissue allowing the dentist to access the root area. This flap is moved aside during treatments and then replaced and sutured afterwards. In more serious cases, treatment may require grafting gum and/or bone tissues to encourage regeneration in the affected areas. Surgery may also be required to reshape the gum attachments around the tooth.


The treatment for gum disease around tooth roots is hard and involved, but it can be done. However, it is far better to invest time into thorough brushing and flossing twice a day along with routine dental cleanings to help prevent the infection from forming or growing.


For more information or if you are noticing signs of gum disease, schedule an appointment with Foutz Family Dentistry today.

Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929


Gum Disease And Heart Disease: Is There A Connection?

Studies have shown a notable connection between gum disease and other larger health problems, such as heart disease. Plaque build-up, inflamed gums, and bacteria in the mouth can all contribute to heart attacks, making it extremely important to address gum issues quickly.

What Is Gum Disease?

Periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, is an infection of the gums typically caused by build up of bacteria, plaque and tartar. Plaque is the bacteria on teeth that causes cavities, but it can also build up on the gums, leading to the beginning stages of gum disease known as gingivitis.  Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease typically marked by swollen, inflamed or bleeding gums.  When left untreated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis. As the disease progresses, it will cause gums to pull away from the teeth while bacteria begins to destroy tissue and bone.  

Symptoms of gum disease can include:

  • Bad breath
  • Red, swollen, tender or bleeding gums
  • Pain while chewing
  • Receding gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Loose teeth

How Does Gum Disease Cause Other Health Problems?

When left to build up, these bacteria of the mouth can escape through the bloodstream reaching major organs and other areas of the body, which in turn can lead to other larger health issues. Although the exact connection is still unknown, inflammation is also thought to be the common link as the level of inflammation of the gums can increase the risk of inflammation elsewhere in the body. Inflammation is a key factor in many diseases particularly heart disease.

Connection Between Gum Disease And Heart Disease

Studies have continually shown a connection between poor heart health and gum disease. The correlation between inflamed gums or excess bacteria in the mouth and heart attacks continues to grow as people with poor gum health are two times more likely to have coronary artery disease than those with healthier gums.  It is believed that gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease due to the combination of bacteria in the blood stream from inflammation of the gums, which can lead to narrowing of arteries.

It is important to remember that not all patients with gum disease will suffer from heart disease, but it is still extremely important to treat gum disease before it has a chance to progress or worsen.

Treating Gum Disease

Brushing and flossing teeth regularly, at least two times a day, is the first step to reducing the risk of periodontal disease and overall poor oral health. Mouthwash can also help to decrease the amount of bacteria in the mouth. A healthier diet low in sugar can also help to reduce plaque and bacteria build up.

Gum disease cannot be treated with good oral hygiene habits alone. It is extremely important to maintain consistent and routine dental cleanings and examinations. A thorough cleaning every 4-6 months is the most effective way to remove plaque and tartar, while watching for signs of gum disease. Your dentist will be able to recommend specific periodontal habits to help and provide the most effective treatment.

If you suspect gum disease, contact a dentist as soon as possible to avoid progression or other more serious health problems.  Schedule an appointment at Foutz Family Dentisty in Henderson, Nevada to help get you on the path to healthy gums.

Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929


Stop Gum Disease Before It Threatens Your Dental Implant

Barton H. FoutzDental hygiene is a matter that is continually taken for granted. Not a lot of people know that poor oral hygiene can lead to a wide range of other health disorders, making a commitment to maintaining the health of your teeth and gums is a necessary aspect of your health. Through routine dental check-ups and cleanings you are able to stop problems before they can become worse helping to prevent serious issues. Catching gum disease before it can affect a dental implant is a crucial benefit of routine dental cleanings.

Dental implants can be an excellent solution for missing or poorly structured teeth. More and more people turn to dental implants to enhance their look and help compensate for bad teeth. However, to get a dental implant in the first place, you must first ensure that the health of your gums is in good condition. Maintaining your dental implant requires the same thing. One of the primary factors that prevent people from getting a dental implant and one of the main threats to a dental implant is periodontal (gum) disease.

Unfortunately, many people fail to take the necessary measures to ensure that their gums are in good condition. This includes brushing and flossing on a regular basis as well as visiting the dentist at least twice a year for cleaning. You also need to be proactive in seeking out help when you find symptoms of gum disease such as bleeding or pain in the gums. If neglected, this could develop into other advanced conditions that can be difficult to diagnose. In such a situation, placing an implant would be out of the question.


After you have your dental implant in place, it’s even more important that you maintain your gums in a healthy state. Peri-implantitis is a type of periodontal disease and a condition in which infection and inflammation sets in around your dental implant. Symptoms of peri-implantitis are similar to those of gum disease with bleeding, sore, swollen gums and bleeding from gums when brush teeth. It is typically caused by plaque buildup from a lack of adequate brushing or flossing.

If peri-implantitis or gum disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can cause damage to your dental implant as well as to the underlying gums and bone. This could lead to the implant loosening and even detaching from the bone.

Fortunately, peri-implantitis is both preventable and curable. Through routine dental examinations and cleanings, you can stop gum disease before it can threaten your dental implant. Combined with consistent brushing and flossing, dental cleanings are the most effective way to prevent gum disease from affecting your teeth and implants.

Henderson Periodontal Therapy

At Foutz Family Dentistry, Dr. Barton Foutz and his skilled team provide superior and comprehensive dental services including routine dental cleanings, periodontal therapy and dental implants. Contact Us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929


How Obesity and a Poor Diet Can Trigger Gum Disease

Gum disease is typically a result of not taking proper care of one’s teeth – but as with most conditions of the body, it can be caused by a variety of seemingly irrelevant factors. Obesity, for instance, is in fact a major factor in the development of gum disease.

Research Shows a Worrying Correlation Between Diet and Periodontitis

A study from the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland has shown that gum disease is more common in young adults who are also obese, suggesting a link between the two issues. According to the head researcher of the project, Mohammed Al-Zahrani, the correlation was found in a younger age group than is usually expected.

By analyzing 13,000 adults who had recently been to the dentist, they found that 14% of those suffered with periodontitis, and in the 18-24 age group, those who were obese were significantly more likely to suffer from the condition.

The correlation was so strong that the researchers found that gum disease is 75% higher among young people in that age group, signifying a potential problem with the average diet of young people.

Al-Zahrani says that research surrounding the dietary trends of people between the ages of 11 and 18 shows that young people are consuming less fruit and vegetables, which are necessary sources of vitamin C. There has also been a decrease in calcium consumption, which is essential for healthy teeth and gums.

A poor diet means that the teeth are negatively affected in two ways. First of all, teeth need all the nutrients they can get to stay strong and healthy.
Barton H. Foutz
Secondly, when a person consumes a large amount of sugar and generally unhealthy foods, teeth will need further maintenance.

Unhealthy foods like potato chips, which leave small amounts of food stuck between the teeth, can trigger gum disease. For this reason, it’s important to pay attention to your dental health.

For gum disease treatment and a high-quality dentistry experience in Nevada, you can count on Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS. To arrange your appointment today, visit us on Wigwam Parkway, or call today on (702) 792-5929.

Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929

Ezbond A. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
1st Generation:

Great Grandfather

Dr. Ezbond A. Foutz
Harold B. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
2nd Generation:


Dr. Harold B. Foutz
Lawrence C. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
3rd Generation:


Dr. Lawrence C. Foutz
Barton H. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
4th Generation:

Family and Cosmetic Dentist

Dr. Barton H. Foutz