Kings and Queens: Let’s Talk Types of Dental Crowns

Crowns are typically associated with royalty, but those crowns go on your head, not your teeth. Dental crowns are slightly different, fitting over decayed or broken teeth to restore bright, beautiful smiles. Commonly custom-made, dental crowns act as caps, protecting remaining teeth and gums from periodontal disease, dental illnesses, and inflammation that could erode or deteriorate enamel. Crowns are restorative and transformative, bringing strength back to your teeth alongside a brilliant reason to grin.

There are various kinds of dental crowns, each with its benefits, so choosing is based on personal preference and the advice of a dental professional. Think of this blog as a brief guide into dental crowns, showcase types, procedures, and aftercare.

The Royal Treatment for Your Teeth: What Are Crowns?

Decayed or damaged teeth can hinder everyday functions, like eating and talking. In some cases, teeth are left sensitive, and the pain makes it even harder for someone to do daily activities. However, dental crowns are versatile and effective restoration methods, covering a tooth’s wear and tear to prevent further damage. The bonus? Crowns give you back a gorgeous, natural-looking smile.

Why You Might Need a Dental Crown

Teeth decay and deteriorate for various reasons; not every reason is within your control. Fortunately, the choice to get them fixed is within your power, and crowns are a restorative method to enhance enamel strength and protect remaining teeth from further damage. As you age, teeth become more fragile, becoming susceptible to chips, cracks, and breaks. With dental crowns, you have additional support and strength surrounding your teeth, making it easier to do everyday things, like enjoying your favorite meal.

Types of Dental Crowns: An Overview

  • Porcelain Crowns

Popular for their natural appearance, porcelain crowns are slightly more expensive than other material types, but their construction is seamless, allowing them to blend with other teeth naturally. They are ideal for front teeth.

  • Ceramic Crowns

Strong, metal-free ceramic crowns match the strength and color of natural teeth. They are best for people with metal allergies, especially on the back molars.

  • Metal Crowns

Durable and strong metal crowns withstand wear and tear that might otherwise damage natural teeth. However, their metallic color makes them less aesthetic.

  • Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns

These dental crowns combine metal strength with porcelain aesthetics, lending teeth a natural look. However, metal may show near the gums, creating a visible dark line.

  • Resin Crowns

Resin is the most affordable dental crown option. It matches teeth’s natural color and strength, making them as durable as natural teeth. However, if bite pressure is too hard, occasional fractures could occur.

  • Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns are the strongest crown material on the market and are biocompatible, making them ideal for people with sensitivities. They look natural and can be customized to match the color of a patient’s teeth.

  • Temporary Crowns

Temporary dental crowns protect teeth temporarily to maintain structure and prevent damage. However, they are not as durable as long-term crowns and must be replaced to retain the integrity of the teeth underneath.

The Procedure: What to Expect

Dental crown procedures begin with a consultation to determine oral health without crowns. Affected teeth are prepared by removing decay and reshaping the tooth for a cap. Impressions or digital scans are taken of the reshaped and prepared teeth, and temporary crowns are fitted until permanent crowns are completed or alternatively the permanent crowns are made in office while the patient waits.  Foutz Family Dental has this capability.  The permanent dental crowns are fitted for comfort and cemented or bonded to prevent the crown from moving or falling out.

Aftercare for a dental crown is simple. Good oral hygiene is essential, such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. Routine dental checkups will ensure longevity and good oral health, so contact Foutz Family Dentistry for a consultation!


Sudden Tooth Pain? Here’s What Might Be Causing It

Experiencing sudden tooth pain can be both alarming and intensely uncomfortable. Whether it strikes sharp and fast or builds gradually into a throbbing agony, understanding what might be causing this unexpected discomfort is the first step towards finding relief. At Foutz Family Dentistry, we know how distressing sudden dental pain can be. That’s why we’re here to shed light on some of the common culprits behind this common dental issue. Recognizing the potential causes can not only help in alleviating your immediate pain but also in preventing further dental health complications. With the right knowledge and timely dental care, you can keep your smile healthy and pain-free.

Now, let’s dive into the common causes of sudden tooth pain, helping you understand why you might be experiencing this discomfort and how Foutz Family Dentistry can assist in treating it.

Common Causes of Sudden Tooth Pain

Tooth Decay

One of the most frequent causes of sudden tooth pain is tooth decay. Cavities, the result of decay, start small but can quickly penetrate deeper into the tooth, reaching the sensitive nerve fibers within the dentin and pulp. This penetration can lead to a sudden, sharp pain, especially when eating sweet, hot, or cold foods. Tooth decay is a progressive issue; without treatment, the pain can become more persistent and severe, signaling the need for immediate dental attention.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, or periodontitis, begins as inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup. In its early stages, known as gingivitis, you might notice some discomfort or bleeding during brushing. However, as the condition worsens, the gums can recede, and the roots of the teeth can become exposed, leading to sudden and severe pain. Gum disease can also cause pain due to the formation of abscesses in the spaces between the teeth and gums.

Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth can be the result of many factors, including biting down on something hard, an injury, or even just the natural aging process. Sometimes, the crack might be too small to see, but it can expose the inner pulp of the tooth to bacteria, leading to inflammation and sudden pain. This type of pain is often felt when biting down or when the tooth is exposed to very hot or cold temperatures.

Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition where a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection forms in different parts of the tooth. This can lead to sharp, throbbing, or shooting pain that may spread to the jawbone, neck, or ear. Other symptoms might include fever, swelling, and a bad taste in the mouth. An abscess requires urgent dental care to prevent the spread of infection.

When to See a Dentist

If you’re experiencing sudden tooth pain, it’s crucial not to ignore it. Pain is your body’s way of signaling that something is wrong, and in the case of dental issues, what might start as a minor problem can quickly escalate into something more serious if left untreated. At Foutz Family Dentistry, we recommend scheduling an appointment as soon as you notice discomfort. Our team is equipped to diagnose and treat the root cause of your pain, providing relief and preventing further complications.

Preventive Measures

Preventing sudden tooth pain involves a few simple yet effective practices that can significantly impact your oral health. Here are some essential tips:

  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene:

    • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
    • Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles between teeth.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups:

    • Visit Foutz Family Dentistry every six months for a routine examination and cleaning. These visits are crucial for catching potential issues early and keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
  • Protect Your Teeth:

    • Wear a mouthguard during sports or recreational activities to prevent injury.
    • Avoid chewing on hard objects, such as ice, popcorn kernels, and hard candy, which can crack or chip your teeth.
  • Healthy Diet:

    • Limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages that can erode tooth enamel and lead to decay.
    • Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to support dental health.

By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of experiencing sudden tooth pain and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Remember, preventive care is key to avoiding dental emergencies and ensuring long-term oral health.


While sudden tooth pain can be unsettling, understanding its potential causes is the first step toward finding relief. Remember, prompt treatment is key to preventing further dental health issues. If you’re experiencing sudden tooth pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to Foutz Family Dentistry. Our experienced team is ready to provide the care you need to smile comfortably once again.

For appointments or consultations, visit our website or contact us directly. We’re here to help you maintain a healthy, pain-free smile.


Dental Care in Pregnancy

Pregnancy affects every aspect of a woman’s health, including oral health. Women must continue to go to the dentist regularly while pregnant to catch any dental concerns before they get out of hand.

How Does Pregnancy Affect Oral Health?

The body goes through many changes during pregnancy, which can manifest in different ways:

  • Levels of hormones like progesterone and estrogen increase during pregnancy, which can increase your risk of oral health issues.
  • Eating habits often change during pregnancy, and the kind of food you eat affects the health of your teeth and gums.
  • Many women brush and floss their teeth less while pregnant, either because their gums are more sensitive or because the process makes them nauseous.

Because of these changes, pregnant women are more likely to deal with the conditions below.


Pregnant women are more likely to develop cavities. If a cavity is left untreated during pregnancy, the bacteria can be passed to the baby during pregnancy and lead to problems for them after they’re born. Filling these cavities when they occur is essential.The prevailing wisdom is that non-silver filling materials are the best to use in this situation.  Asking your dentist to do any fillings with a silver mercury-free composite resin filling is a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for


Gingivitis is very common in pregnant women, with about 60 to 75 percent of them dealing with it in some form. Gingivitis is inflammation of your gums that, if left untreated, can lead to serious gum disease. Signs that you may have gingivitis include:

  • Redness or swelling of the gums
  • Tender gums
  • Bleeding of the gums, no matter how gently you brush
  • Shiny gums

Other Potential Concerns

There are a few less common dental concerns that can develop during pregnancy. While they aren’t as common, watching for them and bringing concerns to your dentist is essential.

Other pregnancy-related dental concerns include:

  • Loose teeth: High levels of hormones can temporarily loosen your teeth while pregnant.
  • Pregnancy tumors: These tumors aren’t cancer but are red, raw lumps on the gums between your teeth.
  • Tooth erosion: If you struggle with excessive vomiting during pregnancy, your teeth may be exposed to too much stomach acid, leading to enamel erosion.

Preventing Dental Problems During Pregnancy

The best way to prevent dental problems during pregnancy is to continue going to your regular six-month checkups before and during your pregnancy. When you arrive at your appointment, make sure you tell your dentist that you’re pregnant.  While pregnant, it is advisable to forgo routine x-ray exposure.  In an emergency, however, today’s low dose options for x-rays will enable the best, safest outcome.  This will ensure they give proper, safe treatment for you and the baby.

It’s also wise to let your dentist know if any of the following apply to you:

  • You’re on medication while pregnant (including prenatal vitamins).
  • Your pregnancy is high-risk.
  • Your prenatal care provider has talked to you about oral health concerns.


Your oral health is a vital part of your prenatal care. Make sure you stay consistent with your dental checkups and let us know if you notice any concerning oral symptoms. Contact us today to schedule a cleaning to keep your mouth healthy during pregnancy and beyond.


Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign

Did you know you can get your teeth straightened right here in our dental office? Invisalign has become popular for many adults who want to straighten their teeth but don’t want the noticeable appearance of metal braces. If you’re ready for your perfect smile, it’s time to start your Invisalign journey with us.

How Does Invisalign Work?

To start your Invisalign journey, you’ll meet with your dentist to have images and most likely scans taken of your teeth and see what your results will look like. Gone are the days of mouth impressions and those large, uncomfortable trays used for them. Instead, we’ll use the iTero Element scanner to take photos of your teeth, giving us a 3D rendering of your teeth and the intended results after treatment.

Once you see your new smile, we’ll put your treatment plan together and order your clear aligners. When they come in, you’ll return to the office, and we’ll ensure they fit correctly and walk you through the maintenance and other aspects of the treatment. Some of your teeth may have attachments, or buttons, attached to them to ensure proper movement. These are tooth-colored bumps that provide the necessary friction needed to move teeth.

Your Invisalign should be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day but can be taken out to eat, drink, brush, and floss. You will change to a new clear aligner about every one to two weeks, and regular visits to our office are needed to ensure your teeth are responding how we want them to. You’ll be impressed with the quick results because almost everyone sees some improvement within the first few trays. Depending on the treatment needed, your Invisalign journey can be finished in as little as six months, which can be much shorter than metal braces.

Benefits of Invisalign Over Metal Braces

Clear aligners are better aesthetically than metal braces, especially for adults, and there are many other benefits to choosing this option for teeth straightening. Some of the most popular reasons people choose Invisalign over traditional braces include the following:


  • You can see the virtual treatment plan before you make your decision. This means you can have a fundamental understanding of what your teeth should look like at the end of treatment, something that isn’t currently possible with metal braces.
  • Invisalign isn’t very noticeable, even with the buttons that some teeth have applied. You can straighten your teeth without people ever knowing.
  • You can remove your Invisalign aligners to eat and drink, so there are no restrictions on the food and drinks you can have.
  • Clear aligners are much more comfortable than traditional braces because of the lack of brackets and wires. You don’t have to worry about adjustments or broken brackets that cut your mouth.
  • The most important advantage is that you can comfortable and reliably brush and floss your teeth normally with out the difficulties caused by brackets and wires making it easier to maintain your dental health!

Come In Today for an Invisalign Consultation

There’s no better time than now to start straightening your teeth. Let our team at Foutz Family Dentistry get you started on the journey to your dream smile with an Invisalign consultation. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!


All About Your Toothbrush

Choosing the right toothbrush is a vital part of proper oral hygiene. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the brushes on the market today, but this guide will help you pick the best brush for your mouth.

Manual vs. Electric

The first decision people make when deciding on a toothbrush is whether they want an electric toothbrush or a manual one. Both choices offer benefits depending on your personal preference and needs.

Some people simply choose the toothbrush style they like best. If you’re using the toothbrush properly and it has the ADA seal of approval, it’s a good option. Other than personal preference, the following features cause people to choose electric over manual:


  • Many electric toothbrushes have pressure sensors, which can help if you brush too hard.
  • Some electric toothbrushes have different brush settings, letting the bristles and head rotate in many directions or using pulsing motion in addition to the rotation.
  • Most new electric toothbrushes have built-in timers that help you know how long to brush. This can be a great benefit if you struggle to brush for the full two minutes.


Toothbrush bristles come in soft, medium, and hard. You can also choose between round and unrounded bristles. Many believe that hard bristles clean their teeth better, but they can be too rough on your enamel and cause you to brush too aggressively. Overly hard bristles can lead to gum recession when combined with hard brushing. Most people will have the best results with soft, rounded bristles.

Size and Shape

You should choose a toothbrush that is comfortable to hold and fits in your mouth correctly. If your toothbrush is too big, it won’t easily fit into the back of your mouth, making it hard to brush your molars. Most people like a brush head about an inch long and half an inch wide. However, you can also choose rounded brush heads if you prefer a smaller surface.

Proper Toothbrush Care

No matter what toothbrush you choose, you must care for it properly. To maintain proper oral hygiene, make sure you follow these care instructions for your brush:


  • Store your toothbrush upright and out in the open to let the bristles airdry and prevent bacteria from growing between bristles.
  • Rinse your toothbrush with warm water each time you brush your teeth to clear any bacteria between the bristles.
  • Replace your toothbrush (or the head if it’s electric) every three to four months. This helps maintain proper bristle condition and keeps your teeth clean. If you’re sick or have an oral disease, replace it once you recover.

Final Thoughts

Choosing your toothbrush is a personal decision, which is why so many options exist. Make sure your toothbrush is cleaning your teeth properly without being too hard on them. If your brush is approved by the ADA and it’s comfortable to use, it’s a good option. If you have any questions about the right toothbrush, contact us, and our dental team will help you find the best brush for you.


Facts on Fluoride (And Some Dispelled Myths, Too)

We’ve all heard of fluoride, but what do you really know about this mineral? Although itis naturally occurring in several foods and water, fluoride is also added to oral health products and promoted as a protector against tooth decay. Read on to learn some fascinating (and useful) insights on fluoride and what it can do for your health.

Fluoride 101

Fluoride naturally occurs in water supplies, as the trace element fluorine leeches in from soil and rocks in the groundwater. However, it’s not found in high enough concentrations to be helpful, so most municipal water supplies include additional fluoride that’s added specifically to support oral health.

If you have well water or a non-public water supply, there may not be enough fluoride in it to provide this additional health support. Dentists usually recommend that these people add a fluoride rinse or other supplement to make up the difference.

To dispel some of the most common myths you’ll find online:

  • Fluoride is not dangerous to your health in the amounts which it is needed for proper oral health support.
  • Fluoride does not increase the risk of cancer or autism.
  • Fluoridation is not unnatural or unhealthy – remember, this is a naturally-occurring mineral, and adding it to the water supply promotes better prevention against tooth decay.

Finally, fluoride is included in toothpaste, but the amount is not enough to provide adequate protection. With the additional fluoridated water supply, optimal protection is provided for people in many developed regions, including the U.S. and Europe.

Skip the Bottled Water

Another important topic to discuss is bottled water. With the influx of its popularity, some kids and adultsonly drink prepackaged bottled water. Unfortunately, most of these products do not contain additional fluoride athelpful levels. It’s far better to filter your tap water if you’re going to go this route.

On that note, you’ll want to choose a filtration system carefully, too. Charcoal and carbon filter systems don’t impact fluoride levels, but distillation and reverse osmosis systems can reduce the amount of fluoride in your water. Let your kids drink tap water for optimal oral health.

Otherwise, your dentist may recommend adding a fluoride rinse or another supplement to enhance the health and protection of your teeth.

There are Two Types of Fluoride Treatments

Topical fluoride treatments, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, or a professional treatment from your dentist, are one type of fluoride. These act directly on the surface of the existing enamel that’s in place, so they may not be as effective as the other option.

Systemic fluoride is the kind found in water and dietary supplements. It’s ingested, instead of applied directly, and works to strengthen the teeth as they grow and develop from the inside. Supplements are only available via prescription, in the form of drops, lozenges, or tablets.

Want to know more? Ask your dentist about fluoride and your oral health, and find out how you can take better care of your teeth with simple changes.



The 6 Steps of the Dental Cleaning Process

For most of us, dental cleanings are a regular part of life. Seeing the dentist twice a year to maintain oral health is a simple step, but it’s one that a lot of people overlook. Whether you’re new to the world of dentistry, if it’s been a while since your last appointment, or if you’re just curious to see what to expect, we’ve got you covered.

Although the exact steps in the process may vary slightly from one dentist or hygienist to the next, it’s basically the same no matter where you go.

Step One: The Exam

Before doing anything, your dentist or hygienist is going to want to poke around and see what state your oral health is in. In addition to general health, they will look for specific issues, such as cavities, gingivitis, or other oral health concerns. They may also request X-rays to get a thorough view of the situation.

Step Two: Plaque and Tartar Removal

Once the exam is complete, it’s cleaning time. That starts with plaque and tartar removal, which is usually most people’s leastfavorite part of teeth cleaning. Using a variety of metal tools and a small mirror, the dentist or dental hygienist will scrape all the tartar and plaque from your teeth. Then, your mouth will be rinsed before moving to the next stage.

Step Three: Deep Cleaning

The next step is to do a deep cleaning with an electric toothbrush. This is a professional-grade version of the kinds you can buy to use at home, and it’s usually combined with a gritty toothpaste to help deep clean and restore some of the shine. This can remove additional plaque and debris that is missed in the initial process.

Step Four: Flossing

Once brushing is complete, your hygienist or dentist will floss your teeth vigorously and thoroughly. This helps remove any remaining debris and ensures that your gums are clean and healthy. For those who floss regularly, this step usually is fairly painless. Those who have gum health concerns or who don’t floss may deal with some bleeding or slight discomfort during this process.

Step Five: Fluoride Treatment

Most cleanings conclude with a fluoride treatment. The dentist will fill a tray with fluoride gel and then put it in your mouth and tell you to bite down. This will stay in your mouth for a few minutes before being removed. Then your mouth will be rinsed a final time.

Step Six: Rinse and Repeat

Technically, the last step is just a gentle reminder. You should be getting dental cleanings every six months, or at the very least, once a year, to keep your oral health in its best condition. And once you feel how clean your mouth is after a visit to the dentist, the chances are good that you’ll be ready to go back.

Prevention is a lot easier and more affordable when it comes to your teeth, which is why regular cleanings are essential. Schedule your check-up and cleaning today if you haven’t had one in the last six months!


Tongue Talk: Facts About Your 8-Muscle Organ

How much do you know about your tongue? Sure, it’s important for speaking and for removing food stuck in between your teeth. However, this fascinating organ is one of the most important parts of your mouth. Here are some little-known facts about your tongue.

1. Your Tongue Has 8 Muscles

Your tongue is one of the most flexible parts of your body, thanks to the eight muscles it contains. However, the idea that it’s the strongest muscle in the body is just a myth. That honor belongs to the quads and glutes.

2. No Saliva, No Taste

Did you know that without saliva, the taste buds on your tongue couldn’t do their job? That’s right. Saliva is necessary to help flavors bind to the receptor molecules. Your tongue is also partially responsible for producing saliva, through the submandibular glands at its base.

3. Your Taste Buds Die and Are Replaced

The tongue can have as few as 2,000 or as many as 10,000 taste buds. However, they’re not permanent. Some of them die off every week and are replaced with new ones. They’re also located all over the tongue, and the idea that different areas of the tongue correspond to salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes is just a myth. Every part of the tongue can taste all tastes.

4. The Color of Your Tongue Says a Lot About Your Health

A normal, healthy tongue is pink. However, if your tongue is red, it’s a sign that you may be suffering from allergies or an infection. White patches on the tongue often indicate a fungal overgrowth, while blistering is usually a sign of an allergic reaction (blood pressure medicines can also cause your tongue to blister).

5. Your Tongue Is a Haven for Bacteria

If you look closely at your tongue, you’ll see that it’s covered by tiny bumps called papillae. That’s completely normal, but it also makes your tongue a perfect home for bacteria. The best way to deal with them is to brush your tongue whenever you brush your teeth. Note that a tongue that’s too smooth (missing a lot of papillae) is an indication that you’re deficient in folic acid.

6. You Can Store Fat in Your Tongue

Recent studies have shown that the tongue stores fat much like other parts of the body. This can lead to a larger-than-normal tongue and increase your risk of sleep apnea due to obstruction by the tongue.

The Amazing, Essential Tongue

Your tongue is one of the most important parts of your mouth, and yet it’s often overlooked when it comes to oral care. Vital for speaking, essential for tasting, and irreplaceable, the tongue deserves a little TLC.

You should brush your tongue twice a day, just like your teeth. You should also keep an eye on its color and texture for clues to other health conditions. Regular visits to your doctor will help ensure that you’re able to keep your tongue, teeth, and gums in good health.


Sudden Tooth Pain? Here’s What Might Be Causing It

Dental pain is some of the most intense you’ll ever experience. And when it appears suddenly, it can be very alarming. What might be causing your agony? Here are a few likely suspects.

Heat or Cold

Perhaps the most common reason for sudden tooth pain is worn tooth enamel and exposure to heat or cold. Did the pain appear shortly after eating or drinking something hot or cold? Was it a sharp flash of pain? Temperature sensitivity is a sign that you should make an appointment with your dentist to check for erosion.

Increased Sensitivity

Have you noticed that your teeth have become more sensitive? If that’s the case, you may have receding gums. Gum tissue surrounds and protects the roots of your teeth, and when it recedes, it exposes parts of the roots to the air, as well as to foods and liquids. Eventually, that can lead to infections and gum disease.

Cracked Tooth

It’s easy to spot cracked teeth most of the time, but sometimes hairline cracks form that are all but invisible. They can still lead to considerable dental pain, though. The good news is that your dentist has solutions for cracked teeth, including veneers and crowns.

Gum Infection

Almost half of all American adults suffer from some degree of gum disease. As gum disease escalates, it can make your teeth and gums more sensitive, particularly to hot or cold temperatures. That can include not just foods and beverages, but also outside air if you’re breathing through your mouth, such as while jogging or during other forms of exercise.

Your Toothpaste

Activated charcoal is everywhere today, including in many different toothpaste formulations. While charcoal can certainly help address mild staining, it also causes tooth sensitivity when used too frequently. If you’re fixed on using charcoal toothpaste, don’t overuse it.

Bleaching Products

Bleaching products are very popular today and can help you whiten your teeth by several shades right in your own home. However, they are not particularly gentle and can cause sudden sensitivity. If you stop using the whitening product, the sensitivity should go away.

Grinding Your Teeth or Clenching Your Jaws

Do you ever have to force yourself to relax your jaw and stop clenching your teeth? Does your dentist suspect that you grind your teeth at night? Both actions wear away at your enamel and can cause sensitivity. Wearing a mouthguard at night can help prevent grinding and clenching. You’ll find over-the-counter mouthguards, but your dentist may also be able to custom-make one to fit your mouth.

Lost Filling

One of the most common causes of sudden tooth pain is the loss of a filling. While fillings can last indefinitely, they can fall out, leaving the hole in your tooth open and exposing the interior of your tooth to temperature extremes that may cause sudden pain.

Experiencing unexplained sudden tooth pain? Your dentist can help. Make an appointment to have your teeth inspected as soon as possible to prevent additional damage.


How Do Water Irrigation Devices Help My Oral Health?

Dental treatments and options for taking care of your oral health have evolved a great deal over the years. One of the best new tools is a water flosser, or an oral irrigator. These are handheld devices that look similar to electric toothbrushes. They are meant to be used in addition to a toothbrush and regular flossing as a very effective way of removing bacteria, plaque, food particles, and gum-disease-causing elements.

Water flossers use—you guessed it—water to get all those pesky germs out of the crevices of your teeth and from beneath the gum line. They concentrate on the areas of your mouth that brushing just can’t get to.

There are many types of water flossers, each with benefits that work well for different lifestyles.


  • Countertop water flossers – These can be a bit bulky and heavy, but they’re easy to use in most bathrooms as they only need an electrical outlet. The irrigation tank gets filled with water and you refill it as needed.
  • Battery-operated water flossers – These are great for traveling or for those with limited counter space. They’re slim and portable; however, they aren’t as powerful as the countertop variety.
  • Shower flossers – These attach to your showerhead so you can floss in the shower! They’re a bit more difficult to maneuver, and you’ll need space in your shower to mount it, but they’re great for people who would rather keep all the “mess” in one place.
  • Faucet flossers – These are similar to shower flossers but they use a cord that connects to the sink faucet instead of the shower head. They’re also a bit more cumbersome.

Most types of water flossers, no matter the design, have different modes that make them easy on sensitive gums and effective for people who want more pressure. They’re also easy to use for people with braces, bridges, and implants.

Water flossers are a more fool-proof way of getting all the bacteria and build-up from between teeth and underneath the gumlines. Even for those that floss the traditional way each day, most don’t do it properly. There’s less “technique” involved with water flossers, which means that you’re more likely to keep your gums healthy and happy. 

Oral irrigators are especially beneficial for people with the following issues:

  • Bleeding gums – This is an early sign of gum disease that needs attention right away.
  • Braces – Food and plaque often get stuck behind and between brackets.
  • Dry mouth – Saliva is a natural mouth cleaner, so those with dry mouth usually have more buildup and are at higher risk for cavities.
  • Crooked teeth – If your teeth aren’t perfectly straight, it’s more likely that food will get stuck in them. Plus, it’s harder to floss them well!

Oral irrigation devices should be combined with a regular flossing routine to ensure that your mouth remains as clean and healthy as possible. Especially if you already have signs of periodontal disease, such as bleeding gums, or if you have braces, dry mouth, or crooked teeth, then a water flosser is a smart addition to other elements of a dental hygiene routine.

Ezbond A. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
1st Generation:

Great Grandfather

Dr. Ezbond A. Foutz
Harold B. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
2nd Generation:


Dr. Harold B. Foutz
Lawrence C. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
3rd Generation:


Dr. Lawrence C. Foutz
Barton H. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
4th Generation:

Family and Cosmetic Dentist

Dr. Barton H. Foutz