How Can You Tell If You Have a Cavity?

Cavities (dental erosion) are the most common oral health disease in the US. Most children will have at least one cavity and up to 30% of adults in the country have untreated cavities. Without proper care, cavities can grow and destroy teeth, as well as cause more serious issues, like bone infections. It’s important to have cavities treated as soon as possible, but how do you tell if you have one?

Temperature Sensitivity

One of the most common signs that you’ve got a cavity is sudden sensitivity to heat and cold in your mouth. If you take a gulp of cold water and experience a stabbing pain in your mouth, chances are good you have a cavity. The problem here is that when a cavity exposes the dentin layer of your teeth, the microscopic tunnels in the dentin make perfect channels for food and drink to stimulate the nerve inside the tooth.

Sugar Sensitivity

While temperature sensitivity is a common sign you might have a cavity, so is sensitivity to sugar in foods and drinks. In most cases, this will be a lingering discomfort that lasts for several minutes after eating or drinking something sugary and is caused by exposure of the dentin layer within a growing cavity.

Tooth Pain

There are few things as hard to deal with as a toothache, particularly when the pain becomes severe. Toothaches are prime signs that you’re dealing with an oral health problem, which is most likely a cavity. However, other issues can cause toothaches, so you must visit a dentist as soon as possible to have the situation diagnosed. Note that toothaches can be sudden, or they can grow slowly and continually. You may also experience pressure in the area when biting or chewing.

White Spots

In many cases, cavities begin as white spots on your teeth. Over time, they can darken, eventually becoming brown or even black. If you notice telltale staining, it’s important to visit your dentist to have the growing cavity treated.

A Visible Hole

If left untreated, a cavity will eventually form a visible hole or pit in your tooth. You may be able to see this when you look in a mirror and/or feel it with your tongue. However, not all cavities can be seen or felt. That’s particularly true if they form under the gumline or between teeth, which is why it’s so important to visit your dentist every six months.

Prevent Cavities with Good Oral Care and Regular Dentist Visits

While cavities can be painful and lead to major oral health problems, the good news is that they’re preventable. Brushing after meals and flossing every night can help prevent plaque build-up that leads to cavities.

Avoid sugary drinks and foods, and make sure to drink plenty of water to dilute the acid that causes cavities in the first place. Combine that with regular dentist visits and you have a good chance of not experiencing another cavity.


Does Chewing Gum Hurt or Help Your Teeth?

Gum has been around for thousands of years in various forms. Today, there are plenty of myths and facts about whether it’s good or bad for you. We’re here to lay the claims to rest and give you the information you’ve been looking for.

Gum originally came from the sap of spruce or chicle trees. People chewed it for the same reasons they chew gum today: as something enjoyable to put in the mouth and to pass the time.

Modern chewing gum, though, isn’t quite what it used to be. It’s made mostly from synthetic rubbers and artificial flavorings, meaning that it has some potential health risks that weren’t associated with original gum chewing. In fact, it’s full of plenty of ingredients that you probably didn’t know you were putting into your mouth.


  • “Gum” – a rubbery base that makes the product chewy
  • Resin – used to strengthen gum and make it last longer
  • Fillers – what gives gum a particular texture (ex: calcium carbonate, talc)
  • Preservatives – compounds that make gum have a stable shelf life (ex: butylated hydroxytoluene or BHT)
  • Softeners – substances that keep gum from hardening (ex: wax, paraffin, vegetable oil)
  • Sweeteners – natural sugar, corn syrup, sugar alcohols, or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame
  • Flavorings – natural or artificial flavorings

All of these ingredients are considered food grade and deemed “safe” by the FDA; however, they aren’t often labeled well and sometimes appear as a simple “gum base” ingredient. You should decide for yourself whether or not you want to consume the ingredients in chewing gum.

Certain experts deem chewing gum to have benefits for the mouth, such as:

  • Preventing cavities – Sugar-free gum can help prevent tooth decay, especially when it’s sweetened with xylitol.
  • Reducing bad breath – Xylitol prevents bad bacteria growth, which is a common cause of bad breath.

It can also have negative side effects though, including:

  • Causing cavities – If you chew gum with added sugar, this can be a cause of cavities.
  • Plaque buildup – Sugar is dissolved by bad bacteria in your mouth, which increases plaque growth.
  • Metabolic conditions – Too much sugar, even in the form of gum, can cause diabetes, obesity, and other health issues.
  • Jaw problems – People who chew gum all day long often develop TMJ, or temporomandibular disorder, which causes pain, tightness, and immobility of the jaw.
  • Headaches and teeth grinding – Gum chewing can also cause tension headaches and migraines, which can cause jaw clenching and teeth grinding.

Chewing gum here and there, especially when it’s sugar-free and made with natural ingredients, typically won’t harm your teeth. Chewing healthy gum in moderation can even help prevent cavities and rid the mouth of bad bacteria. However, if you’re choosing gums full of artificial ingredients and sugar—and chewing them from sun-up to sun-down—then it could mean a range of dental problems, such as cavities, plaque buildup, tooth decay, and jaw disorders, or even more serious metabolic disorders.

Choose your gum carefully and remember—everything in moderation.


What Does Single Tooth Discoloration Mean?

Dealing with yellowing teeth is a common issue for many people. Teeth can become discolored from smoking, food and drink stains, or plaque and tartar buildup. However, sometimes people notice that just one tooth is discolored when the rest around them are their normal shade. What causes this, and what can be done about it?

Tooth decay often happens when the enamel (the hard, protective coating on the outside of your teeth) starts to erode. When this is gone, it’s more likely that plaque can stick to your teeth (and plaque is filled with bacteria).

If you see a dark spot on one tooth, this can be a sign of many other things, too, such as:


  • Cavities – Cavities that are left untreated can cause brown, yellow, or black spots on a tooth.
  • Tooth decay – Teeth will turn gray, brown, or black if the pulp inside has died.
  • Injury – Trauma to teeth can damage the nerves, which can cause spots or whole-tooth discoloration.
  • Tartar buildup – When plaque isn’t removed, it turns into tartar, which stains teeth and can be difficult to remove.
  • Fluorosis (excess fluoride) – Sometimes children receive too much fluoride during the time that their teeth are forming. This can cause fluorosis, which can result in tooth discoloration.
  • Celiac disease – Celiac disease (gluten intolerance) can cause wear and tear on teeth enamel, which in turn causes brown spots on the teeth.
  • Overuse of antibiotics – Certain antibiotics, mainly tetracycline and doxycycline, can cause discolored teeth. This typically happens in children who took these medications regularly while their permanent teeth were forming, but it can also be caused when the mother took them during pregnancy.
  • Tartar buildup -Single-tooth discoloration can also be caused by tartar buildup. Tartar is hardened plaque, and it often presents as yellow or brown, usually by the gumline.
  • Chlorhexidine mouthwash – This type of mouthwash is prescribed for people with halitosis or chronic bad breath. Although it kills the bad bacteria which cause bad breath, it can cause brown spots on the teeth.

Usually, when only one tooth is discolored (i.e., yellow, gray, or brown) and there aren’t spots on the surrounding teeth, it can signify a root issue. Check with your dentist and get an x-ray to determine if there are issues underneath your gums that are causing single teeth to become discolored. If the pulp inside your teeth dies and has caused your tooth to turn brown, you’ll probably need a root canal.

Many people also notice that their teeth become spotty with age. This is sometimes a result of a few factors, such as enamel wearing down over time, darkening dentin (the substance underneath enamel that surrounds each tooth), and years of stains from food and drink.

Check your teeth carefully for spots and make sure that you’re staying up on dentist visits twice a year. If you notice that one tooth is discolored compared to the rest, don’t ignore it! Treating the issue early can mean saving your tooth and preventing further damage.


How Do Water Irrigation Devices Help My Oral Health?

Dental treatments and options for taking care of your oral health have evolved a great deal over the years. One of the best new tools is a water flosser, or an oral irrigator. These are handheld devices that look similar to electric toothbrushes. They are meant to be used in addition to a toothbrush and regular flossing as a very effective way of removing bacteria, plaque, food particles, and gum-disease-causing elements.

Water flossers use—you guessed it—water to get all those pesky germs out of the crevices of your teeth and from beneath the gum line. They concentrate on the areas of your mouth that brushing just can’t get to.

There are many types of water flossers, each with benefits that work well for different lifestyles.


  • Countertop water flossers – These can be a bit bulky and heavy, but they’re easy to use in most bathrooms as they only need an electrical outlet. The irrigation tank gets filled with water and you refill it as needed.
  • Battery-operated water flossers – These are great for traveling or for those with limited counter space. They’re slim and portable; however, they aren’t as powerful as the countertop variety.
  • Shower flossers – These attach to your showerhead so you can floss in the shower! They’re a bit more difficult to maneuver, and you’ll need space in your shower to mount it, but they’re great for people who would rather keep all the “mess” in one place.
  • Faucet flossers – These are similar to shower flossers but they use a cord that connects to the sink faucet instead of the shower head. They’re also a bit more cumbersome.

Most types of water flossers, no matter the design, have different modes that make them easy on sensitive gums and effective for people who want more pressure. They’re also easy to use for people with braces, bridges, and implants.

Water flossers are a more fool-proof way of getting all the bacteria and build-up from between teeth and underneath the gumlines. Even for those that floss the traditional way each day, most don’t do it properly. There’s less “technique” involved with water flossers, which means that you’re more likely to keep your gums healthy and happy. 

Oral irrigators are especially beneficial for people with the following issues:

  • Bleeding gums – This is an early sign of gum disease that needs attention right away.
  • Braces – Food and plaque often get stuck behind and between brackets.
  • Dry mouth – Saliva is a natural mouth cleaner, so those with dry mouth usually have more buildup and are at higher risk for cavities.
  • Crooked teeth – If your teeth aren’t perfectly straight, it’s more likely that food will get stuck in them. Plus, it’s harder to floss them well!

Oral irrigation devices should be combined with a regular flossing routine to ensure that your mouth remains as clean and healthy as possible. Especially if you already have signs of periodontal disease, such as bleeding gums, or if you have braces, dry mouth, or crooked teeth, then a water flosser is a smart addition to other elements of a dental hygiene routine.


What Are Sealants? When and How Do They Protect My Teeth?

Dental sealants are just one tool that dentists use to protect teeth against decay and damage. While they are not for everyone, dental sealants can play an important part in maintaining the health of your teeth and getting the most out of daily dental hygiene activities like brushing and flossing.

Sealants are a thin, protective coating that is typically applied to the back molars. It’s an easy process, with the sealant painted directly onto the tooth enamel and then allowed to dry. Sometimes the drying process uses a curing light. Once they’re in place, sealants blend in with the surrounding tooth and will likely not be visible to anyone else.

The general idea of a dental sealant is that it seals off all the grooves and impressions in the targeted teeth that are generally very difficult to reach by traditional flossing and brushing. Sealants eliminate the possibility of food and other particles becoming trapped in those difficult-to-reach places and going on to form cavities or cause decay.

While they are not a permanent fixture, sealants can last a considerable amount of time. They will remain in place for up to ten years if properly maintained. Their effectiveness does wane with time, and they offer the most protection in the first two to four years after placement.

Who Can Get Sealants?

Traditionally, sealants are placed on healthy teeth that have no cavities or decay. This means they’re most often used on children, although adults who have healthy teeth with no presence of tooth decay or cavities would also be eligible for sealants.

Sealants can be particularly helpful for kids. Nearly 30% of children between the ages of 2 and 5 will develop a cavity. Sealants can help prevent that from occurring.

Even though sealants have most often been used for children and many adults would have been rendered ineligible due to existing decay, dental technology has made incredible advancements in recent years. Using the Waterlase™ technique, more adults may now be eligible for sealants. The precision offered with Waterlase™ allows your dentist to remove debris and properly sanitize the tooth, making sealants possible!

If you are ineligible for dental sealants, remember that they are only one option of many when it comes to protecting your teeth.

Discuss With Your Dentist

The best way to determine whether sealants are right for you is to speak with your dentist. Sealants can be an incredibly useful aid in dental hygiene when used alongside proper brushing and flossing practices. Even if you are not personally a candidate for sealants, speak with your child’s dentist about the possibility of using sealants on their teeth.

When it comes to your teeth, the importance of preventative care can’t be overstated. Any added protection against cavities and tooth decay will work to the benefit of your teeth and overall dental health.


How Can Retainer/Mouthguard Therapy Help Me Even If I’m Not Straightening My Teeth?

Retainers and mouthguard therapy are often used to help straighten teeth, but they have several other potential benefits, which we will look at below. Even if you don’t need to straighten your teeth, you might still want to consider this option to help in other areas of your life.

Help with Teeth Grinding

Are you someone who clenches and grinds their teeth at night? This is called bruxism, and it is unfortunately common. Over time, it can lead to some serious issues with your teeth. For example, you might find that your teeth start to hurt or that they crack and break. You might begin waking up with headaches, a sore jaw, or general pain in your face. Many people also find that they don’t get good sleep, which can lead to fatigue throughout the day.

Bruxism is a problem for a large number of people. Fortunately, there are some solutions that could work, and retainer or mouthguard therapy is one of the best. You can find a range of mouthguards on the market today that could help.

Most people grind their teeth at night occasionally. As long as it is not a chronic problem, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue, and it can be treated. However, there are also those who have chronic bruxism, which could eventually lead to loss of tooth enamel, broken teeth, and lost teeth.

What are the causes of bruxism? Unfortunately, the cause is not entirely known or understood, but there are some theories. Many believe that it could be due to stress and anxiety. There could be other factors that are causing problems, too, including caffeine, smoking, and having an abnormal bite, for example. Regardless of the cause, it may be worth considering mouthguard therapy as a solution. You might be able to ensure your teeth stay a little bit safer.

Help with Sleep Apnea

However, mouthguard therapy can help with more than just teeth grinding. One of the other ways mouthguard therapy is commonly used is to help with sleep apnea. With the right type of appliance, it is possible to ensure the tongue doesn’t fall back into the throat and create an obstruction. Some of the appliances can also help to move the position of the lower jaw slightly. Again, this should help to prevent sleep apnea.

Many of the same issues associated with teeth grinding cause sleep apnea. It can also be caused by being overweight. Regardless, you don’t want to deal with the fallout of sleep apnea, as it can cause some serious health problems. Some of those health problems include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and early death.

As you can see, there are quite a few dangers when it comes to sleep apnea. If you or a loved one has this condition, you will want to get it checked out and dealt with sooner rather than later. Sometimes, something as simple as using a high-quality mouthguard could help.

Get in Touch with a Dentist?

Are you concerned about the state of your teeth because of grinding your teeth? Are you worried about snoring? As you have seen, mouthguard therapy has the potential to help. Make sure you are working with a great dentist, such as the professionals at Foutz Family Dentistry. They can help you get a better understanding of what this type of retainer or mouthguard therapy could do for you, and they may have some other suggestions to help get your oral health in tip-top shape.


How Do I Know What Kind of Floss I Should Use?

Those who want to have excellent dental health need to make sure regular flossing is part of their routine, along with brushing and visiting the dentist for checkups. While it might initially seem that all floss is the same, that’s not the case at all. There are many different options when it comes to dental floss, and you will want to be sure you are choosing the right one.

Benefits of Flossing

Flossing serves as preventative dental care, and it helps to reduce not just food in the teeth but also bacteria. It can get to places in your mouth that regular brushing just can’t reach. When you floss, you will also be able to prevent tartar build-up on the teeth. Plaque tends to accumulate quickly, and when it isn’t removed, it could harden and become tartar. When you floss each day, it helps remove the plaque from your teeth.

One of the other reasons you will want to floss regularly is because it can help to prevent bad breath. The food and bacteria can start to create a terrible odor, and flossing helps to remove this. Of course, flossing along with brushing will help you have better overall dental health, and it could prevent gum disease.

Types of Floss

You need to be sure you are using the right type of floss for your mouth and needs, of course. When you have the right floss, it can make a difference in how well it works. Let’s get a closer look at some of the options.

Waxed Floss

This is one of the most common options and the style that most people typically think about when it comes to flossing. This will work nicely for those who have teeth that are sitting tightly near one another. It is typically made from nylon, and it has a thin wax layer coating that helps it slide between your teeth easily.

You can often find the waxed floss in different flavors, such as mint or cinnamon, which can help to freshen your breath. You can find unwaxed floss, too, but this isn’t as strong and will snap easier.

Dental Tape

Another option to consider is dental tape. It is a good choice for those who have more space between their teeth. The tape is wider than normal floss. You can find this option either waxed or unwaxed. Again, the waxed tends to be stronger. This type of floss is often used for those who have dental appliances and dental work done, including things like crowns and bridges.

Floss Picks

Floss picks are another option that a lot of people like. They are especially useful for those who are on the move a lot. They are handy, and they can help you reach into some areas that might otherwise be difficult. However, you should use these only on occasion according to most experts because the same small piece of floss is used for the entire mouth. They can work in a pinch though, and when you don’t have access to standard waxed or unwaxed floss. Some people might like these floss picks if they have trouble holding and using traditional floss. You might want to choose the picks for when you are at work.

Find Your Floss

Of course, if you still aren’t sure which type of floss might be a good solution for you, consider talking with a dentist. The experts at Foutz Family Dentistry can help you find the best floss. Get into the habit of brushing and flossing regularly and it will improve your dental health.


What Are Sealants and Why Are They Needed?

Proper dental care can affect your overall health. Brushing and flossing can help with overall cleanliness in your mouth, but brushes only reach certain portions of your teeth. Your dentist might recommend sealants to help keep your overall oral health on track. What are sealants, and why do you need them?

What Are Sealants?

A dental sealant is a thin coating that your dentist paints on the surfaces of your molars and premolars in an attempt to prevent tooth decay. The sealants form a protective cover that shields your teeth from germs and food. Sealants effectively protect against 80% of cavities for up to two years. They continue protecting against approximately 50% of cavities for up to four years.

Sealants do not take the place of brushing and flossing for your overall oral health. They do help to provide an extra layer of protection to your teeth. However, cavities can develop even in sealed teeth. Discuss with your dentist how you can best maintain your sealed teeth.

Why Do You Need Sealants?

Sealants get into the depressions of the teeth to protect portions of the surface that toothbrushes can’t always reach. Specifically, sealants protect the back teeth. They help keep particles of food out of the indentations that the bristles of a toothbrush simply can’t clean because a toothbrush is designed to clean the smooth surfaces of the teeth.

Who Needs Sealants?

Cavities are likely to form in the indentations and grooves of molars and premolars. For this reason, it’s recommended that children and teenagers get sealants as soon as their permanent molars and premolars come in, starting around age 6. Adults who have no cavities or fillings are also good candidates for sealants.

Some dental insurance policies will pay for sealants if your dentist recommends them. However, many times insurance will only cover them for children. Consult with the professionals in your dentist’s office or your insurance company to determine whether your insurance will cover the cost of sealants.

Consult Your Dentist

If you still have questions about dental sealants or if you or a member of your family need them, speak to your dentist. Your dentist can give you more information about sealants. Dr. Foutz can assess your situation and discuss whether you need to consider sealants.


How Often Should I Change My Toothbrush?

You want to keep your teeth and gums looking and feeling great and clean, so you brush several times a day using a good dentist-recommended toothpaste. You floss and use mouthwash, as well. However, if you aren’t changing your toothbrush regularly, you might not be getting your teeth as clean as you might believe. Of course, many people aren’t sure when they should change their toothbrushes or why it is so important to do it regularly. Let’s look at what the experts say.

When Should I Change My Toothbrush?

It’s recommended that you brush your teeth between meals and after sugary snacks to help keep your teeth in good shape. All of this brushing means that your toothbrush will start to wear down and will need to be replaced. The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control recommend that people change out their toothbrushes every three to four months. This is true for traditional toothbrushes, as well as electric toothbrush heads. Erring on the side of caution and opting for a replacement every three months tends to be a better idea. After all, you want to be sure that your teeth are getting as clean as possible.

Why Should You Change Your Toothbrush Regularly?

Of course, you don’t have to wait this long to change your toothbrush. If you notice that there is a lot of wear and tear, or if other people in the family have been sick, it’s a good idea to change the toothbrush. When they are in the bathroom, they could be coughing. Even though they might not be near the toothbrush, there is still the chance that it could cause you to get sick.

The bristles on your toothbrush start to wear down over time. When they are worn out, they will be more abrasive on your gums, which could lead to inflammation or even gum recession. Worn-out bristles tend not to be as effective, as well. If you want to keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy, get a new toothbrush sooner rather than later.

Also, bacteria and plaque can start to build up on the toothbrush. The longer you use the same toothbrush the more bacteria will start to take over your brush. It’s better to simply adhere to the three-month rule and change out the toothbrush. They are not overly expensive, and you can often find some good deals online.

Signs You Need to Replace Your Toothbrush Early

If you notice the bristles are becoming frayed and wild, you will want to replace your toothbrush. However, there are plenty of other signs that it might be time to replace your toothbrush. For example, if you drop the toothbrush, you may want to replace it. Cleaning it is often enough if you keep your bathroom spotless, but you don’t want to take the chance if you live with roommates.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to boil or microwave the toothbrush to remove germs and bacteria. While it might help with those problems, it will also warp the bristles. The toothbrush will not be as effective at keeping your teeth clean.

Find a Good Dentist

In addition to brushing your teeth at least twice a day and changing out your toothbrush every three months or so, you also want to have a great dentist. Find a dentist that can provide you with the cleanings and other services you need. They can also provide you with some insight into some of the best types of brushes to get that will do a good job cleaning your teeth.  Dr Foutz is happy to help his patients in all of the areas discussed in this article.

Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929


Why Should I Use Mouthwash?

You know how important it is to brush your teeth and to floss your teeth, but do you really need to have mouthwash, too? Many people forego using mouthwash because they feel that they are getting their teeth and gums clean enough without it. However, this could be a mistake. You will find that there are some nice benefits to using mouthwash. Let’s look at a couple of the biggest benefits to see why you should consider adding mouthwash to your oral care routine.

Helps to Provide a Full Cleaning

For starters, when you use mouthwash, it will provide you with a fuller, better clean for your mouth. Even though you are brushing your teeth and flossing, there are still areas that can’t be reached. All of those little crevices between the teeth that can’t be reached with your floss or the bristles of your brush are breeding grounds for bacteria. They can cause damage to your teeth. Using mouthwash can help to reach those areas and will improve your oral health.

Kills Germs that Cause Teeth to Decay and Provide Other Benefits

Using mouthwash, particularly mouthwash with fluoride can help to prevent cavities. It can also strengthen enamel and re-mineralize your teeth, which can stop the process of decay. Mouthwash can also help to stop plaque from building up on your teeth, which will reduce the number of bacteria on the teeth that release acids. There are also options for mouthwashes that can help with whitening your teeth. You can find different types of mouthwash that can help with different oral health needs.

Helps to Reduce Bad Breath

Of course, one of the other benefits of using mouthwash is that it can help to combat bad breath. Although it won’t kill bad breath permanently, it can help to reduce it at least temporarily. It will kill bacteria that cause odors that might still exist even after brushing and flossing. It can also be nice to have around for those times after lunch when you have an upcoming meeting that’s face to face and you don’t have time to brush. It will keep the scent of garlic out of the meeting room.

How and When to Use Mouthwash

Something that you need to remember is that using mouthwash is not a replacement for brushing and flossing. It’s an additional way to help your oral health. Typically, you will use the mouthwash twice a day when you brush and floss in the morning and evening. You could use it more often, but don’t overdo it and do not swallow it.

The alcohol and the fluoride that are in many of the mouthwashes should not be ingested in high amounts. This is especially true for children. The American Dental Association does not recommend that mouthwash is used for any children who are under six years old.

How to Choose Mouthwash

A look online or in the local grocery store or pharmacy will show you that there are many mouthwash options on the market today. What should you look for when choosing mouthwash? When you are choosing a mouthwash, one of the first things you should do is look for the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance. Sometimes your dentist will recommend you use a prescription mouthwash for certain conditions.  Talk to them and see.

You will also want to look at the other added features and benefits the particular mouthwash can offer. For example, you will likely want to have mouthwash that includes fluoride, since it is good for your teeth. You might want to find an alcohol-free mouthwash, or maybe you are looking for something that includes hydrogen peroxide for whitening. Maybe you need an option for sensitive teeth. Determine what you need and then find a mouthwash that can meet those needs.

If you are uncertain about what you should choose, you can always talk with your dentist. They can provide information on mouthwash, toothbrushes, oral care, and more. Dr Foutz can give you specific recommendations for your situation.

Dr. Barton H. Foutz, DDS
2510 Wigwam Parkway Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89074
(702) 792-5929

Ezbond A. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
1st Generation:

Great Grandfather

Dr. Ezbond A. Foutz
Harold B. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
2nd Generation:


Dr. Harold B. Foutz
Lawrence C. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
3rd Generation:


Dr. Lawrence C. Foutz
Barton H. Foutz, D.D.S.
4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
4th Generation:

Family and Cosmetic Dentist

Dr. Barton H. Foutz