This tiny mouthpiece can reduce the force of jaw-clenching during sleep
and the frequency and intensity of some types of headaches.


NTI Tension Control Device

Clenching your teeth while asleep is the result of some of the strongest muscles in your body tensing up, which can cause morning headaches, sore jaws, stiff necks and sensitive teeth.

The Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Control Device is an acrylic mini-splint that hugs the front two teeth, reducing the intensity of jaw-clenching during sleep and the headache pain that comes along with it.

If certain spots on your forehead, temples and back of the skull feel very tender when pressure is applied, you are likely clenching your jaw at night.

Patients typically get relief from tension headaches within the first week, but with migraines it may take a few weeks. In clinical trials on migraine patients, 82 percent reported a reduction in their migraine frequency.

If you are one of the estimated 40 million Americans who suffer from migraine or tension headaches you should ask Dr. Foutz about the NTI Tension Control Device.

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    Ezbond A. Foutz, D.D.S.
    4 Generations of Dentists Spanning 3 Centuries
    1st Generation:

    Great Grandfather

    Dr. Ezbond A. Foutz