Retainers and mouthguard therapy are often used to help straighten teeth, but they have several other potential benefits, which we will look at below. Even if you don’t need to straighten your teeth, you might still want to consider this option to help in other areas of your life.
Help with Teeth Grinding
Are you someone who clenches and grinds their teeth at night? This is called bruxism, and it is unfortunately common. Over time, it can lead to some serious issues with your teeth. For example, you might find that your teeth start to hurt or that they crack and break. You might begin waking up with headaches, a sore jaw, or general pain in your face. Many people also find that they don’t get good sleep, which can lead to fatigue throughout the day.
Bruxism is a problem for a large number of people. Fortunately, there are some solutions that could work, and retainer or mouthguard therapy is one of the best. You can find a range of mouthguards on the market today that could help.
Most people grind their teeth at night occasionally. As long as it is not a chronic problem, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue, and it can be treated. However, there are also those who have chronic bruxism, which could eventually lead to loss of tooth enamel, broken teeth, and lost teeth.
What are the causes of bruxism? Unfortunately, the cause is not entirely known or understood, but there are some theories. Many believe that it could be due to stress and anxiety. There could be other factors that are causing problems, too, including caffeine, smoking, and having an abnormal bite, for example. Regardless of the cause, it may be worth considering mouthguard therapy as a solution. You might be able to ensure your teeth stay a little bit safer.
Help with Sleep Apnea
However, mouthguard therapy can help with more than just teeth grinding. One of the other ways mouthguard therapy is commonly used is to help with sleep apnea. With the right type of appliance, it is possible to ensure the tongue doesn’t fall back into the throat and create an obstruction. Some of the appliances can also help to move the position of the lower jaw slightly. Again, this should help to prevent sleep apnea.
Many of the same issues associated with teeth grinding cause sleep apnea. It can also be caused by being overweight. Regardless, you don’t want to deal with the fallout of sleep apnea, as it can cause some serious health problems. Some of those health problems include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and early death.
As you can see, there are quite a few dangers when it comes to sleep apnea. If you or a loved one has this condition, you will want to get it checked out and dealt with sooner rather than later. Sometimes, something as simple as using a high-quality mouthguard could help.
Get in Touch with a Dentist?
Are you concerned about the state of your teeth because of grinding your teeth? Are you worried about snoring? As you have seen, mouthguard therapy has the potential to help. Make sure you are working with a great dentist, such as the professionals at Foutz Family Dentistry. They can help you get a better understanding of what this type of retainer or mouthguard therapy could do for you, and they may have some other suggestions to help get your oral health in tip-top shape.